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Reed cutters were very important. They “simply” cut the reads by the nile banks. But it was actually more important than it sounds. Shoe makers, jewelers, boat builders, etc all needed papyrus reeds. And common peasants ate the tender insides. So you make a lot of money! Without reed cutters or reeds the egyptian civilization would never had started!

Reeds grew on the banks of the nile feeding of of the rich black soil and the burning sun. It was a perfect ecosystem. Reeds grew in bunches around the banks of the nile in huge plentiful groups. They were full of vitamins because all sorts of bugs would live inside the reeds which when dead would give humans the right protein! Of course ancient egyptians didn't actually know this but it was how they got there protien!

Works Cited

Pharoahs and Foot Soldiers provided by Wendy and Heather